Automatic CSS3 code generator
Thanks to CSS3 (that is, Cascading Style Sheets in its version 3 of the standard) modern web browsers support lots of advanced effects. Those effects that once required several images or hacks are now available in a few lines of CSS3 code.
The best way to get your hands on CSS3 is to use an automatic CSS3 code generator which could write the CSS3 code for us just by specifying a couple of easy options.
I would suggest you this generator for CSS3 code, as it is very complete and easy to use.
Which effects can be created with the CSS3 code generator?
Using CSS3 code you can create effects like:
- Rounded corners.
- Text or box shadows.
- RGB colors.
- Multiple column layouts.
- Outlines.
- Color gradients.
- etc.
And all this just using a few lines of CSS3 code, with no need of additional images or HTML markup. That is really a big advantage in terms of code maintenance: if you want to update advanced effects of your site, you only need to rewrite a couple of lines of CSS3 code.
Which browsers support CSS3?
CSS3 is the future, and it will be the CSS standard used for all web browsers in a few years. But, by now, only a few web browsers support all CSS3 features.
So it depends on the CSS3 feature chose. But in overall, we could state that Chrome 4.0 and Firefox 3.5 (or better) support the most important CSS3 features.
Opera 10.5 and Safari 10.1 are also other web browsers that support nearly all main CSS3 features as well.
Finally, Internet Explorer 9 has a rather limited support for CSS3 features. So Internet Explorer could be considered the main obstacle to start using CSS3, as it only allows you to use rounded corners and advanced font face selection.
Fortunately, the suggested CSS3 generator would also specify which browsers could use the CSS3 code that was created in an automatic way. That is a very useful feature to be sure about browser version compatibility when using CSS3 effects.
If you want to get serious about the upcoming technologies of CSS3 and HTML5 I would suggest you to read a book on CSS3 and HTML5, and be the first when those technologies fully arrive.