How to take a screenshot in Android Samsung Galaxy S smartphone

Saving a screenshot in the Samsung Galaxy S Android-based smartphone is very easy: it's just a simple combination of keys.

You need to keep pressed the tactile key Back and, without releasing this key, we press the central Home button (the one that returns to your main screen) and then we would release the "Home" button (without releasing the Back key.)

The best way this screenshot trick works is just keeping pressed "Back" during a second and then pressing "Home". If we do this fast it might not work. And if we wait too long, maybe the screenshot would be taken too late, because the "Back" key might act, going to the previous level in the current app or page.

Essentially, this trick is all about pressing and releasing "Home" while "Back" is still pressed.

If our screenshot was successful, we would hear a sound similar of a photographic camera shutter, and in the bottom of our screen a message would be displayed: "Screenshot taken. Saving as image file", and the image would be stored in the "ScreenCapture" folder of the Samsung Galaxy S device.

In spite of the outdated information spread all over Internet about this feature, with statements about the impossibility of saving a screenshot in the Samsung Galaxy S smartphones, suggesting other complex operations, connecting the device to the computer, etc., truth is that these specific Android-based phones, since the Android firmware version 2.2, are able to save screenshots in this simple way.

Try out Spotify Premium for free, but remember to unsubscribe

Even when Spotify is still available in a limited set of countries, it is believed to be expanding soon. And the paid, Premium version of Spotify still allows online and offline music playback in any country you'd want.

Spotify is giving for free a 7 days trial of their Premium Account with no advertisements, with offline playlists even in your smartphone (iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone or Symbian) and even abroad.

Such a deal is very good, since you can try out the premium features at Spotify without having to subcribe and paying a full month in full. But you have to pay attention there if you don't want to keep being a Premium Spotify user (and paying for it:)

Such as Spotify advertises this: "No commitments, you can unsubscribe anytime you want", that's where you need to pay special attention:

Once you accept the offer, Spotify will request your credit card data, to make a minimum charge of 0.01 &eur; to authorize your account, just ass a way to check and validate your card. That's quite similar to the way used by PayPal to validate a new credit card.

angry Spotify user

The "catch" is there: in case that you don't want to keep being a Premium user of Spotify, you need to unsubscribe before the free trial reaches its end. On the contrary, once 7 days have passed, Spotify will automatically renew your monthly Premium subscription with the credit card details previously given, so it would be a paid Premium version fron now on.

From, we recommend the Spotify Premium Accounts, for being a good service with a reasonable price.

But we are also warning those who don't want to hire a paid music service by mistake.

happy Spotify user

From an original blog post by Dremin.